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What kind of green infrastructure do we want? Building better bridges between research and practice

02 Mar 2018

A workshop entitled:  What kind of green infrastructure do we want?  Building better bridges between research and practice was held at the marketplace Arcadis London on February 16th 2018. This was an ambitious event that brough together academics and policy and practice participants to look at the interface between research and practice to co-design projects and initiatives to help mainstream green infrastructure more effectively into built environment arenas. This forms a key output from WS1 and WS2. 

The outputs from the workshop are below. 

1.  The report here is a summary of nearly 100 pages of flip chart material.  From a morning session that looked at challenges and impact priorities from which 6 projects were identified and discussed in the afternoon.   These projects will form part of my work priorities and in the near future will be actioned to try to secure funding opportunities to make them happen. The full draft report is here   pdf_icon_white.png

2. Prior to the workshop participants were aksed to identify key green infrastructure challenges and priorities. These have been colated and assessed in a quick and dirty manner but do offer some useful insights. 

pdf_icon_white.png the policy and practice preworkshop report 

pdf_icon_white.png the academic preworkshop report 



All comments are greatly appreciated - please help mainstream green infrastructure by adding to the conversation.