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Essex GI Standards Consultation Report

22 Feb 2022

Essex GI Standards Consultation Report

Essex County Council, the University of East Anglian, Northumbria University and Environment Agency trialled Natural England’s National Green Infrastructure Standards Framework (NGISF) from September 2020 to February 2021. Central Government’s 25-year Environment Plan (2018) is the basis for Natural England’s NGISF, that set out ten guiding principles for good GI.

As a result of Essex taking part in the trials, a draft Essex Green Infrastructure (GI) Standards was produced alongside supporting guidance.

This consultation enabled stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft Essex Green Infrastructure Standards and Guidance documents, to get an understanding of how these standards could support and be implemented and, whether these should become full standards (i.e., assessed and monitored) or just supporting guidance.


All comments are greatly appreciated - please help mainstream green infrastructure by adding to the conversation.